Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Oh no.....my eyelashes are vanishing!

My eyelashes are falling out and there aren't enough words to express how irritating I'm finding this. And I don't mean the annoyance of trying to fish them out of my eyes!

As you all know, I prepared for losing my unruly mop by hacking it off. I prepared for the loss of body hair by throwing away my old razor. I bought an eyebrow pencil and practiced drawing fake brows for when my eyebrows went. I was, quite frankly, delighted at the thought of losing the mustache I had acquired as part of that bizarre aging process that women go through after menopause.

The fact is, dear friends, that things have simply not gone according to plan. My head is still covered with spiky bristles, though the top is finally getting smoother and quite shiny. To be honest, I wish the bristles would all fall out because they aren't very comfortable, especially at night when they dig they into my head as I lie on the pillow. And wouldn't you know it, my husband complains that I'm too prickly to hug! Excuse ME!! That's what it feels like when you don't shave, buddy!

My eyebrows are thicker than ever and I should probably get the tweezers onto them -- and I really need to borrow my daughter's razor. The mustache shows no signs of getting lost, despite my best efforts to ignore it BUT my eyelashes, for chrissakes, which I had really thought would stay put, are thinning out and I don't like it. Not one bit!!

Anyway, there's not much I can do about it, so now that I've had my little rant, I'll just shut up about it and pray to all the mascara gods that they help me grow them back! Ah, but wait a minute -- here's a new thought! I should run down to CVS and check out the fake eyelash section. It's got to be easier to get them to stick without real eyelashes getting in the way, right?!

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