I know, I know...... I should have written. There are some wonderful people in far-flung places who've been worrying about me because it's been so quiet here in blog-land, so apologies for dropping out of sight. All is well, I'm plugging along with the chemo -- it's a bit of a bore, to be quite frank about it, but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter which means I'm close to the end. Wait!... I mean end of the chemo! Gosh, hope you didn't think I meant one of those other tunnels with a light at the end! I'm nowhere near that particular road just yet, thank you very much. Heaps and heaps of things to do first.
The truth is that something rather interesting happened just as I was about to start chemo. Those of you who've been following along since the beginning will remember my huge Feel Good blanket, knitted and stitched with love and care by my rowing buddies. A photo of my knitter friends with the blanket was posted on Maritime Rowing's Facebook page, where said photo was spotted by an eagle-eyed chap called Tom Renner, sports reporter for a brand new on-line community news publication. Ace sleuth that he is, Tom tracked me down, and next thing you know he's written an article on me and the blanket. Here's a link to the article in TheDailyNorwalk. In return, I sent him the link to my blog.
A couple of days later, I heard from Tom again. He loved the blog and wanted to know if he could publish it in TheDailyNorwalk. "Of course, the more women (and men) that read it the better," I told him. How wonderful to get my story out there to a wider audience. I was thrilled.
Tom was back in my email in-box again the next day. "Are you free to have lunch with Jane Bryant Quinn tomorrow?" he wanted to know. Well, I knew who Jane Bryant Quinn was having read her personal finance column in Newsweek, but why on earth did she want to have lunch with me? I had a bit of a panic when I thought she might want to interview me on the state of my personal finances. But that was a no-brainer -- if she wanted to talk to me about my money, then I'd steer her to the doctors and hospitals who've taken it all.
I did some sleuthing of my own and discovered that Jane is the Editorial Director of TheDailyNorwalk.com so now I was even more curious. I set off armed with a list of future blog posts and an open mind. Jane is an incredibly smart and charming woman, plus her birthday is the same day as my favorite aunt's, so we had a great conversation and solved the problems of the world. Tom valiantly tried to follow an Acquarian and a Gemini as they jumped from one topic to another, but the upshot of this meeting was that I WAS OFFERED A NEW JOB!! As a writer, no less!
All right, now you have to follow this. My world has been turned inside out by the whole breast cancer problem, I'm just about to start 20 weeks of chemo, which is supposed to knock you from here into tomorrow, and I get hired to write the Home & Garden magazine section of a new publication!! This was fantastic! I was thrilled!! I love writing!!! Talk about lemons and lemonade....
SO -- I think the moral of this story is that if, in the face of adversity, you keep your wits about you and make sure to keep smiling, good things will happen. Here I am, a cancer warrior engaged in a fierce battle with an unseen foe, I've got a brand new job and I'm loving it. Life sure is a funny old thing!
Wonderful story! Congratulations on...EVERYTHING! Your tale gives me a whole lot of hope.
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing it!